Day 214 daily blog issued at 10.56am?!? What’s the world coming to??

Another fantastic nights sleep but it was torrential rain when we woke up this morning. Absolutely stoatin’ down. Plan today is up, walk the dogs, sell the wee bathroom cabinet that someone is coming to pick up, then head out for my 2nd puppy training job this afternoon.

Thankfully the rain stopped just in time for dog walk and Craig took Calaidh to work so it was just the terrible twins this morning! One less dog to clean when you get home.

I do love them. ❀️❀️

Dark, heavy skies
All the burns and streams are swollen
Photos of their belting runs never really do them justices it’s amazing to watch in real life!
Tried to get them to wash their feet in this muddy water! they were filthy!!
Just for my mother in law, this really is the long and winding road! I had to walk back up this hill!
Still beautiful autumnal colours but not the same vibrancy when it’s dull
I think I wore them out!!

So thought I’d get ahead today and start this at 10.30am. Waiting on the lady coming to pick up the bathroom cabinet. Have so much to sell just now but need to make space to get to it to take pictures!

Pine double bed frame, large pine chest of drawers and two matching beside cabinets just to start with.

This is so true.

I did a huge clear out while I was off work sick and made over Β£1200 selling on eBay. The time has come to do this again. I need to declutter as clutter is taking over my life.

So I’m going to publish this very early today so that I get a β€œnight off”. I won’t be back from the puppy job until at least 6.30pm and I’m sure I’ll need to be asleep by 9!

In a quick COVID-19 update, Scotland is now considering 5 levels similar to the English 3 Tier System. Reported below from Sky News

Those who know me very well…. so know that I spent ages looking for level 5 information to post. Honestly I did….. only just now realised it starts at Level 0.


Stay safe everyone 🌈🌈🌈