Day 199 a much better day ❤️Shopping with mum and someone did the housework while I was away 🥰

I am so much calmer today… I can breathe and it feels so calm and restful. What a difference from yesterday. I think this is the calmest day of the week so far.

There were lovely rainbows this morning. My friend Gillian sent me this, her daughter took it while Gillian was driving!

I wanted to stop to get rainbow pics this morning on the way to meet mum but asked Gillian if I could share this instead. It’s a reminder for us to be grateful that after every storm there is a rainbow 🌈. This week has been a bit of a storm for me and so time for the rainbow 🌈 I think.

Drove to Livingston to meet mum and went early so I could make Pawsitive Solutions calls before I met her. Sat in the van for a half hour as I left messages for people.

Mum and I went straight for coffee and ended up in Krispy Kreme…. well it would be rude not to wouldn’t it. Mum asked if we would share a doughnut…. of course I said “I didn’t get where I am today by sharing doughnuts!” 🍩🤣

Had a good wander round the shops and it was quiet which is always great. Especially now with all the rules in place… entrance, exits, arrows on the floor, walk this way, don’t walk that way…. thought this was funny though….

Who would ever think it was ok to return a face mask? 😷 😆🤣

Had a lovely wee day. No anxiety at all today.

Have booked 7 jobs this week which is equal to my highest booking number but spent way more time talking as it to make up for the anxiety I was feeling. Still a great result.

I’m out training on my first puppy job tomorrow. It’s true if you don’t force yourself to change then you don’t change and you stand still. I’m forcing myself through the next step.

So in big news……. a huge part of the house was spotless when I came back!!! The new bathroom is operational and I ceremoniously used it for the first time but the living room, kitchen snd sunroom were cleaner than I’ve seen them in over a month. So wonderful to come home to that. Craig’s not sat down all day!!

The pub next door shut at 6pm tonight for 16 days in line with the latest Government COVID-19 rules.

I had pub enchilada takeaway tonight and it was bloody lovely!

We are now sitting outside….. yes outside…. at the fire pit.

No prizes for guessing whose idea it was as it certainly wasn’t mine but it’s lovely. It’s nowhere hear as cold and windy as it was earlier. The music’s playing…. a lovely end to a calm and lovely day. And breathe.

Stay safe everyone 🔥🔥🔥