Day 333 and this sloth went a-rambling…. did 3 walks before 11am! 🚶🏽‍♀️🦮🚶🏽‍♀️🐕‍🦺🚶🏽‍♀️🦮

Who knew?!? All the 3’s…. day 333… 333 since Craig and I first went into lockdown for COVID-19. 333 days…. it gets longer the more I think about it! It’s no wonder we are all going slightly stir crazy.

So I think I mentioned yesterday that we had some new announcements in Scotland.

We’ve no idea really what this means for Dog Behaviourists but I hope that more information will be available soon.

All I know is that yesterday I felt like there was no send in sight as the end just got further away. So…… you can chose to wallow in it and feel sad and depressed or chose to take it on….

What I wanted to do.
What I actually did

Not gonna lie… the first walk was the worst. Bhruic walked perfectly and all in all it was a lovely walk. I just didn’t want to be there. I wanted to be home sitting drinking coffee…. sitting at home a size 12 of course and herein lies the issue. Lazing around will not a size 12 get. (Awright Yoda….)

Let’s just get on with it and less if the photos eh?!
I just want to run now…..
Is this like a photo shoot?!?

Taking the photos is the only thing that made the walk worthwhile. I trudged with every single step. So p*d off that I have so much weight to lose and I have to be out here trudging around. Almost like a kid having a paddy-whack in my head!

She did try to get this big stick through the gap behind her….. it snapped in half… result! Also got whacked on the legs a few times!

Back home and told Craig how awful the walk felt and he said that if it was easy everyone would do it. Very true. So I’m still livid with myself for forcing myself to walk but off I go out again this time with Calaidh.

She was having a wee head shake!

At the start of this walk I messaged my Auntie Jac as she has got super fit through lockdown… I told her how bloody awful I was feeling and she phoned straight away. She told me that going out for a walk despite being determined not to…. that’s where true change happens. When you challenge yourself to do something that is outside your comfort zone and you really don’t want to do but you get out of bed and just do it.

By the end of Calaidh’s walk I had a spring in my step.

It’s all about the mindset.

So back home for breakfast (which I tracked in My Fitness Pal) and then off out for the third walk of the day with Freya.

She makes me laugh with all her dancing!!
She always has to have something in her mouth 🤣
She was herding me the whole way round!
And then there were snowdrops…. loved this awes ring around the tree
My first crocus pic
My second 😆
Very random but beautiful fungus?!
The Japanese dawn redwood
Washing feet and getting a drink!

By this time it’s just after 11 and I am knackered!!! 14,010 steps done and I may not move for the rest of the day.

Had a shower and washed my hair as I have a puppy zoom call tonight at 6pm.

I got the best pressie through the post from Mum…..

Love the colours!!! It’s need to decide what to do with it now.

So I’ve had a lovely wee pottering afternoon. I’ve written this, I’ve ordered some new mats for the van, I’ve ordered some new walking boots and I’ve crocheted my squares. Also forgot to say I’m back learning Spanish again with Duolingo so I learned how to say that my brother is very intelligent today!

The Kinesiology films are up on FB now so I’ll try to add a link in for anyone who wants to find out what on earth it is and how it works?! Shelagh did a great job in her explanations.

Link to Kinesiology videos

If you click on the link and scroll down past the welcome videos you will see what’s loaded up so far…. the first one is how kinesiology works and the second is monitoring muscle response. Yours truly with her dulcet tones 🙋🏻‍♀️

I have my puppy zoom call at 5pm and it’s 4.40pm now. Need to make myself presentable and get prepared.

Remember that this time is what we make it and I’ve had some really tough days in lockdown but let’s make the most of what we have left as we might never get time in the house like this again.

You can punch me later…

Stay safe everyone 🐶🐶🐶