Day 319 a beautiful -2C winters day in lockdown Scotland ☀️☀️☀️❄️❄️❄️ and LOTS of photos of gates 🤦🏻‍♀️😆

Maybe Coke Zero has more caffeine in it than Diet Pepsi?!? I was “pure buzzin’” all night last night. At least it felt like it.

It’s another beautiful day. We were up early as Morrison’s were delivering the food shop between 8-9. I managed to clean the fridge and the kitchen before it arrived. I’ll say it again…. I always do my best work when I surprise myself. Had NO intentions of cleaning the fridge today. But It did need cleaned. Done.

The Morrison’s delivery guy was so lovely today. We chatted about how cold it was and laughed that it’s alright for me in my Christmas jammies in the house. He’s looking forward to getting home and playing in the snow with his 8 year old. ☃️⛷

I’ve actually started writing this at 9am as there are so many lovely motivational quotes today. I swear I attract the quotes that are reflective of the mood that I’m in.

This is very difficult for us all just now. It’s hard not to criticise what others do just because we can’t do it ourselves. Everyone is different. Everyone chooses what they believe to be right and wrong… it’s just more visible during a pandemic.

This really made me think as despite all my positivity (on the good days…) I am still critical. For me I think it comes from jealousy which is not a good emotion to have. There is no need for it as we all live diffident lives with different upbringings.

I love this. It’s so very true 🎈🎈🎈

We took the dogs out for just shy of a 5 mile walk and my legs are gowpin’ (I put this through my usual English translation on google and it says gowpin’ means not nice. My legs are not nice. Ok…. what I’m really trying to say is they are jumpy and achey all at the same time. That is my use of the word gowpin’. So dog walk photos… here goes…… actually I’m writing this after I posted the photos and maybe dog walk should be renamed gate watch?!

One man and his dogs
My turn….. check the perfect spacing. High five puppers!!
We pass this steadying every day. It has beautiful flowers in the winter but it looked lovely today
Like the wavy gate shadow
So peaceful ☀️❄️☀️❄️
Into the field for a run
Barely a cloud in the sky
Love that the snow has stuck to the dry stane dyke (wall)
This way!
There is a lady that lives in this house that I cal smiley lady as she always gives me a big smile and a wave
Horsey silhouette 🐎🐎🐎
Do you think there’s a job waiting out there for someone who takes pictures of gates in the sun?!??
There should be….
These are all different gates…… honestly
Yip and there’s more….
I think this is my favourite!
Craig spotted deer in the field – he counted 6 in total…. I think I caught them all in this photo
The downside to having to walk back the same way is taking the same photos twice!!!
It was just so beautiful… Even looking at these now I feel stunned at the beauty…. oh my god who actually am I?!?
From beauty to the beast…… no….. that’s dreadful 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣
Spot the Freya… follow the wee paw prints in the snow!
Finally proving the dogs were still with us.

Back home for lunch and had a lovely FaceTime with mum and then decided to head up to Home Bargains. Now I’ve not been out much at all in this lockdown but Craig needed hair gel and I forgot to order toothpaste with the food shopping. Any excuse really. I met Claire’s mum and dad on my way out the shop. Was SO lovely to see them. Had a lovely chat as it just seemed so normal to bump into people that you know. Did wish I could just bump into my mum and dad but one lot of us would have to move!!

Of course I stopped at the little coffee caravan for an Oat milk latte.

The little coffee caravan! I made Richard pose as it was such a lovely day!!
Do not laugh but there was another lovely gate at the little coffee caravan
My view for coffee! Just lovely.

I need the sun to stay out forever. Nothing makes me happier than taking photos of our wonderful countryside. In pure blue sky and sunshine of course.

Just when you thought I might be done…. I went another walk…. with Claire this time so there are more photos!

The clouds looked like mash potato
Sunset, spooky tree style
The sky is a beautiful colour
Spiers school grounds take on a whole new look
The Japanese redwood against the sunset
Narnia?!? Ok not quite!
Specialu for my spooky tree folk!

I feel like I have written this blog all day. I’ve loved it. Life is good. I am so grateful for everything.

Oh I forgot….there is football on tonight…. I draw the gratitude line… I might just crochet.

Stay safe everyone 🧶🧶🧶