Day 635 Merry Christmas Day 2021! 🎄🎅🏼🧑🏼‍🎄🎄

Merry Christmas everyone!

I’m writing this in bed after a lovely Christmas Eve meal with my lovely in-laws. Tools loads of photos… as usual!

Cookie the Chihuahua is bored of selfies already.

How stunning does the garden look?!

Christmas is also in every room of the house!

This tree is artificial but it’s so real looking, it’s beautiful 🤩
Dining room
I love these reindeer
Posing in front of Helen and Doug’s tree
After a lovely Christmas Eve dinner ♥️
Treats Gran?!?

So… didn’t sleep that well as the dogs decided to use us as a trampoline pretty much all night, but didn’t actually get up until 8am.

We had the loveliest breakfast before we left.

And now we’re driving home for Christmas…. 🎄🎅🏼🧑🏼‍🎄♥️ to my mum and dads for the day.

First things first some treats for the pups!

Mum and dad’s tree!

Presents 🎁
Mum rocking her Christmas pinny!
Then we opened pressies!
Hey d’you have treats?!?!

Mum and I took Calaidh, Bhruic and Freya for a walk. The sun came out and it was really lovely for a wee while.

Took this pic for my friend Helen as it shows her old house across the fields, the sun and shadows were lovely!

Mum had invited Nick, the Minister from their church, St James the Less, for dinner, so I drove around Penicuik to pick Nick up from church. It was a huge trip down memory lane.

I popped round to the Memorial garden at church to give my love to my Gran. my cousin Steven gave her a wee Christmas tree and some flowers.

So back to mums and we caught the Queen’s speech at 3, which always reminds me of my Gran 💜 as she always wanted to hear the speech and then we had dinner! Another amazing meal… think we’ll sleep for a week!!

Table set!
Salmon pate starter
Party hat selfie….. someone said the hat was too wee for his head…. Apparently 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Main course with lime pickle!!

And then I had Christmas pudding with brandy butter. I love brandy butter!!!! Love love love!

Love the candle centrepiece
Treat time now!!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely day. Christmas is a hard time for many people, it’s a memory of loved ones lost. It brings up so many memories of Christmases past.

My Grandad died 37 years ago today. I will never forget that memory. I was allowed to go to the midnight service at St James church for the first time. I was 12. I could hardly stay awake but I was so excited to be there. I wanted to be so grown up.

We came out of church and I suddenly felt very small. There was lots of chat going on at adult height. My Grandpa who never came to church was outside in the car park, as was my Great Uncle. I had no idea what was wrong.

Grandad had a massive heart attack at 12.10am on Christmas morning.

This Christmas we have people isolating through COVID-19 just to add to everything.

I’ve really struggled with Christmas in past years but this year I’ve been the most relaxed by far. Good things come to those who work really hard at it to keep on going.

Stay safe everyone ♥️♥️♥️