Day 453 a relaxing kinda day 😴🛌💤

6.05am Calaidh puppa woke me with her barking damn her. Had a great sleep up until then. I say that but am blocked up with hay fever so one nostril was fully blocked…. There’s been something particularly irritating my nose and eyes in June.

Thank you Calaidh for waking me and allowing me to enjoy more of the day than yesterday…… 😳… nope… I’m not selling it am I?

In fact I’m pretty zonked and have been the last few days. It’s fine as Kinesiology on Tuesday cleared some issues that may leave you feeling a bit yucky for a few days and to be honest, this really is nothing. It’s just a deep seated tiredness. There’s a lot worse than that.

So here goes again…. I’m grateful that I have no pressing things to do today so I can just relax.

We’ve been looking at taking a fortnight in September and trying to plan some island hopping. Hoping to cover Arran, Islay, Jura, Colonsay, Coll and Tiree in one fortnight!

The only issue seems to be that Colonsay may not allow Abbie to travel. Well we’ll see about that…. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😆🤣 I have a number to call and I’ll be telling the lady just how lovely Abbie is and that we can’t come to Colonsay without her. 🙄😬

If that’s the case we miss Colonsay out. Their loss. Well ours too but hey…..

This makes me laugh!!

So I was off out at 9am on our daily plod. It’s a lovely day. It’s peaceful and calm. That’s all I need these days. Silence. Silence just to be. Yes I’m turning into a weirdo but I love it. Can’t be doing with noise and drama anymore.

The grass verges are really high now

There are lovely yellow Iris growing all over the place now.

If you zoom in on this pic you can see them all round the banking of the burn
Also spotted IN the burn!
I’ll just stay here mumma!
I love how lilac this grass is… reminds me of when I was a kid when we used to play in the long grass and make Christmas trees by pulling the tops off…. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😆
Buttercups are slowly fading
Isle of Arran in the distance!
Spiers grounds gate
My favourite gate from the opposite side. Someone walked past and I got the fright of my life 😆🤣🤣🤣

Came home and did the obligatory poo pick…. It would appear it’s been a while since I did one…. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😳

Pottered around and tidied up a bit while trying to figure out what best to do with my lethargy….when Claire messaged about a walk to the Co-op. Not gonna lie she had to literally drag me but Calaidh and I went!

I met this guy!
And this giant bull who’s taken a liking to this cow!

Got chatting to a lovely lady outside the Co while Calaidh and I waited on Claire. It’s lovely to chat to strangers and pass the time of day with them.

My first thistle!!!!!!!!!!!!

You better brace yourself as we are coming in to thistle season and they will soon be everywhere. I love them so much I can’t not take a photo….. thistles will be the new gates….. 😆😘

Honestly I have had the laziest afternoon.

Morrison’s delivered the shopping just before 3 and I’ve been napping with Freya ever since. She was all cuddled in.

I want to get out there and travel and see the world but today is spent recharging.

And that’s ok.

Stay safe everyone 😴🛌💤